Spring Boot — JWT Token based resource authentication & JavaMailSender
The idea behind that sending JWT token to the developer email while working in the development phase.
In the current trend of running with the crowd, I have experienced that when any secure microservices module is in the development phase the developer’s pain is hitting a controller that gets generate the JWT token, Why don’t set the MAX_EXPIRE 24hrs or 8hrs and send it to the developer’s email address.
Here is explanation of the implementation. See the gradle.build for required dependencies from below link.
We need to create an utility class or service that will be responsible to following functionalities-
1- generateToken
2- validateToken
3- extractClaim
4- extractExpiration
5- extractUserName
6- extractAllClaims
Please refer following link for looking of the implementation of these methods.
Request Filter — that validate every request
Filter that is used for inspecting every request of the user and extract the userName from the JWT token and validate that JWT token
“jwt”: “eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJmb28iLCJleHAiOjE2MDYzOTU0ODMsImlhdCI6MTYwNjM1OTQ4M30.bmWzebUtCos1a-eTQK7c28XIMos46_qjqvL5YwUSLCk”
This controller is used to generateToken and send that token to the developer’s email address. (as of now hard coded but we can pick it from IDE configurations)